About Vote Vernon
#VoteVernon is a campaign to bring awareness to the importance of supporting local and providing resources to connect business with consumers.
We vote because we want to shape our communities. Every dollar spent locally is a vote for your community to succeed and Vernon needs YOUR vote!
Can Vernon count on your vote?
Top Reasons to Shop Locally
Sales tax goes towards community infrastructure, police and fire protection, culture, and recreational programs
- Local businesses have the ability to support non-profits or donate fundraising prizes for schools, sports groups and health care.
- Local businesses are more likely to shop with other local businesses. Research shows that for every dollar spent at a local business, 63 per cent is reinvested locally.
Non-profits provide vital community services and create employment, and they depend on local businesses for donated funds to help with programs and operating costs.
- Schools, sports teams, seniors groups and cultural organizations receive donated items from businesses for auctions, raffles and special projects.
- How can you expect area businesses to support your ask if you don’t support them?
Supporting local business means you’re helping to secure jobs and opportunities for your neighbours and children.Â
Local businesses provide some of the most stable employment opportunities in the community and these employees spend in the local economy.Â
Locally owned businesses provide inspiration to our young people, proving that they can live here and pursue their dreams.
Shopping in Vernon means no need for long drives. You are not burning fuel and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.
Local businesses make more local purchases requiring less transportation.
There is less packaging involved.
Vernon business owners and their staff are informed about their products and are available for questions and support.
Local business owners and employees get to know their customers.
Local businesses are generally owned or operated by people who live here and are invested in our community.
Local shops create distinctive shopping experiences and respond quickly to the needs of customers.
Local business owners often sell local products, which creates a vibrant community and creates jobs.
Our community has dozens of small and medium-sized businesses that have been here for years, and many who are establishing new roots.